Hanx Lubricant (50ml)


£11.99 RRP £14.99 20% Off

    Choosing the right condom and lubricant can have a big impact on your enjoyment of sex and other sexual activities. It’s not only important to get the right fit, but also to find products that don’t irritate you or put you off sex.

    You might also want to use a brand that has the same values as you, such as practising sustainability and ethical manufacturing processes. If these things are important to you, you’ll love Hanx condoms and Hanx lubricant.

    Who makes Hanx condoms?

    Hanx condoms are made by the Hanx brand, who also make other sexual wellness products including Hanx lubricant, oral contraceptives and intimate care treatments. The sex-positive brand was formed in 2017 and focuses on clean, healthy sex and sustainable products backed by gynaecologists and sexual health professionals.

    Some people find it difficult to talk about contraception, and for women in particular it can still feel shameful buying things like condoms, even in this modern age. Hanx is a female-led business which aims to demystify and encourage open conversation around sex and contraception so both men and women can enjoy healthy sex without any awkwardness. Its mission is also to empower more women to feel comfortable buying and carrying condoms.

    Hanx condoms and other products are biodegradable and sourced sustainably, with no harsh chemicals that could cause infection. The packaging is classy and discreet, with a subtle design that appeals as much to women as to men. The condoms are made from 100% natural, fairtrade latex, and they’re ultra-thin for enhanced sensitivity.

    The brand uses a vegan plant-based alternative to animal by-products like casein or beeswax, and Hanx condoms and Hanx lube are certified by The Vegan Society. They’re also cruelty-free and never tested on animals.

    What products do Hanx make?

    The signature Hanx condoms come in standard and large sizes (which relates to the width of a penis) and they’re free from unnecessary chemicals and spermicides. Made from natural latex with only a very light scent, you won’t have to worry about that off-putting rubbery smell when you’re getting down to business. Despite a thickness of only 0.055 mm, each Hanx condom is rigorously tested and verified with the CE mark.

    They’re perfect paired with the water-based Hanx lubricant, which is similarly free of chemicals, flavourless and non–sticky for vaginal, anal or oral sex (it’s perfectly safe to ingest). The water based lubricant is also pH balanced to mimic the natural conditions inside the vagina, so there’s less chance of any irritation.

    Hanx also sells oral contraceptives and intimate care products to treat conditions such as cystitis, vaginal thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

    How are Hanx condoms vegan?

    Not all condoms can be classed as vegan. Although they are all usually made from latex (produced by plants), other stages of the manufacturing process can involve cruelty towards animals and unsustainable production activities.

    Casein, a protein found in cow’s and goat’s milk, is often used to soften the latex used in condoms. This is so it’s more comfortable for humans to use.

    Unfortunately, to obtain casein, the dairy industry often takes calves away from their mothers at a very young age, which is understandably distressing for them. In addition, condoms are sometimes tested on animal genitals. As you can imagine, this may not be particularly pleasant for the animals.

    Hanx condoms don’t use animal by-products like casein, and they’re never tested on animals. Instead, they make use of a vegetable binding extract to help with smoothness, and they’ve been certified by The Vegan Society. This kind of certification is the only way to be sure condoms are actually vegan.

    You can therefore be assured that Hanx products are both vegan and cruelty-free. Vegan condoms must meet government safety and efficiency standards, the same as for non-vegan condoms, so make sure to look out for that CE mark.

    Why should I worry about buying sustainable condoms?

    It’s important to think about where our products come from if we care about the natural world and the people in it, and condoms are no different. A lot of condoms end up in landfill, contributing to environmental pollution. Condom manufacturers can prevent this by using biodegradable materials, like those in Hanx condoms.

    Sourcing the latex can also be problematic. Ethical condom companies should ensure the manufacturers they work with treat the workers who source the rubber well, with fair rates of pay and safe working conditions. Look for signs the company’s products have been produced in line with Fairtrade International’s stringent standards, like Hanx products.

    We can all continue to create a better world by keeping these considerations at the forefront of our purchasing decisions, even when it comes to having sex!

    Will a thin condom break?

    You might think that a thinner condom has more of a chance of breaking during sex, but actually the thickness of a condom doesn’t affect its level of resistance and efficiency. Hanx condoms are very thin, but they’re just as effective as thicker condoms.

    The factors that do affect whether a condom is likely to break include lack of lubrication (too much friction), using a condom that’s been damaged (through incorrect storage or accidental tearing), or one that has passed its expiry date.

    How do I find the right condom size for me?

    Hanx condoms come in standard or large size, depending on the width of the penis. The standard condoms are 52mm wide (and 180mm long), and the Hanx large condoms are 54mm wide (and 190 mm long).

    To measure your penis correctly, you can use a flexible measuring tape. Don’t forget to measure it when erect, not flaccid, otherwise you’ll get an irrelevant measurement.

    To measure length, place the measuring tape at the base of the erect penis and record the length in millimetres from base to tip. To measure the width, wrap the measuring tape (or a piece of string if you don’t have one) around the thickest part of the shaft of the penis. Make a note of where the tape (or other measuring device) meets and record the measurement.

    This will tell you which size Hanx condom to buy. You want to aim for a comfortable fit that’s neither too restrictive (this increases the risk of tearing and might be less enjoyable) or too loose (the condom could easily slip off during sex, and it might also reduce sensitivity).

    Reading some Hanx reviews of what other buyers have said about the fit of the condoms might also help you make a decision about which size to buy. We also have an expert Hanx condom review, answering the question; Are they good, biodegradable and safe?

    How do I use Hanx condoms?

    The first thing you should do is check the expiry date before using a condom - expired ones might not work properly. Then, when the penis is fully erect, follow these steps:

    1. Open the wrapper carefully, making sure not to split or tear the condom (watch out for sharp nails and don’t use your teeth!).
    2. Position the condom with the teat facing away from the tip of the penis, then pinch the teat to expel any air which could cause it to split during use.
    3. If using Hanx lubricant, you might want to put it in or on the condom at this point.
    4. Gently roll the condom down to the base of the penis. You might want to pull the foreskin back first for uncircumcised penises.
    5. You’re ready to go! Keep an eye on the condom while having sex. If it slips make sure to pull it back up and if it comes off always replace it with a new one.
    6. When pulling out after sex, keep hold of the condom, so it doesn’t slip off.
    7. Carefully remove the condom and tie it up so semen doesn’t spill out.
    8. You can dispose of used Hanx condoms by wrapping them in tissue and putting them in your normal household waste or compost. Don’t flush the condom down the toilet.

    How can I make sure putting on a condom doesn’t spoil the moment?

    It’s hard to stop when you’re in a moment of passion, and you might worry that pausing to put on a condom will ruin the fun, but it doesn’t have to. There are ways to make the process part of the whole experience, so it’s not off-putting.

    Firstly, keep the condom nearby, so you can grab it quickly without causing too much interruption - having to go to a different room to get it can be a bit of a passion-killer. It might be a good idea to keep a few close by, in case you have any problems with the first one.

    Then, both partners can get involved in putting the condom on. You can make rolling the condom onto the penis part of the stimulation, especially if you maintain eye contact with your partner. You or your partner could even try putting it on with your mouth (but be careful not to tear it with your teeth).

    It can help to practice beforehand on a sex toy if you’re not used to using a condom - that way you’ll be prepared when the moment comes.

    To spice things up a bit, why not engage in a bit of dirty talk while the condom is being put on. That will help fill any awkward silences and build up the anticipation. Putting on a condom can be an exciting part of a sexual experience if you use a bit of imagination.

    How do I use Hanx lube?

    Using a lubricant during sex can reduce friction and make for a more enjoyable experience all round. Hanx lubricant is a water based lubricant that is safe to use with condoms (it won’t make it less effective), so you can spread it both outside and inside a condom to make things a bit more slippery during penetrative sex.

    It’s not just for vaginal or anal sex though - you can also use Hanx lube when masturbating or stimulating your partner. Just add some wherever you want to make things a bit more slippery. It can be used during oral sex as well and is safe if swallowed (although of course try not to ingest too much).

    You might want to warm the lube up in your hands before applying it, so it’s not too cold on the genitals.

    Can lubricants cause vaginal infections?

    Some lubricants can upset the internal pH balance of the vagina, leading to yeast infections. They can alter the levels of good and bad bacteria in the vagina, and elements such as glycerin can damage vaginal tissue, making it more susceptible to infection. So it’s really important to find one that doesn’t include any harsh chemicals.

    Hanx lube is ideal as it’s completely free of chemicals, favour, or scent. It’s designed to be as close to naturally-produced lubrication as possible, so it won’t affect the vagina’s normal pH balance. It’s also vegan certified and free from animal by-products. It even includes lactic acid, which is naturally produced by the vagina.

    It’s safe to use during and after pregnancy, and for pre and post menopausal women. Read some Hanx reviews to see how other customers have found using Hanx lubricant.

    Where can I buy Hanx products?

    The easiest way to buy Hanx products is to order them online. At Condoms.uk, we stock Hanx condoms in standard or large size in packs of 10, as well as Hanx lube. The multipacks of condoms are great value for money.

    We know that discrete delivery is important to you, so it comes as standard when you order any of our products. That means we typically use plain packaging and non-specific address labels and a PO Box returns label (if needed) - so there’s no reference to Condoms.uk.

    You can also rest assured that all our stock is genuine as it’s sourced directly from Hanx, with all products having a long shelf life. No cheap knock-offs here.

    Once you’ve read some Hanx reviews, we’re sure you’ll be excited about buying products that are kind to your body as well as the Earth. With Hanx products, you can still enjoy a great sex life without damaging the environment or risking your health.